1.Stone Drops, poems (in Armenian), Istanbul, 1964, 72 pages.
  2. Me and 0thers, poems (in Armenian), Istanbul, 1964, 72 pages.
Prize: Prix litteraire Anahid, Beirut.
  3. Amusement Park, poems (in Armenian), Beirut, 1968, 28 pages.
  4. Selected Poems, (in Armenian); Paris, 1970, 64 pages.
  5. Shadow and Echo, epic poem in seven episodes (in Armenian), Paris, 1.973, 28 pages.
  6. Ritual Celebrations, poems (in Armenian), Istanbul, 1973, 104 pages.
Prize: Alex Manoogian Cultural Fund Literary Prize, Detroit.
  7. Excursion, poems (in Armenian), Istanbul, 1978, 120 pages.
  8. Me and Others, collection of all poems in Stone Drop (1964), Me and Others (1964), and
Amusement Park (1968), (in Armenian), Yerevan, 1982, 212 pages.
  9. Cloud and Sand in My Palms, poems (in Armenian), Istanbul, 1982, 72 pages.
10. Game of Heroes, poems (in Armenian), Istanbul, 1984, 208 pages.
Prizes: Alex Manoogian Cultural Fund Literary Prize, Detroit; French-Armenian Writers Union,
ElizKavoukdjian-Aivazian Literary Prize, Paris.
11. Tracks, poems (in Armenian), Istanbul, 1987, 136 pages. Illustrated by Jean Carzou.
12. Shadow and Echo, epic poem in fourteen episodes and a revision and expansion of Amusement
Park (1968), (in Armenian), Montreal, 1988, 104 pages. Illustrated by Stephan Djumbuchian.
13. Nuages et sable daps ma paume, an anthology of poems translated with a postface by
Prof. Marc Nichanian of Columbia University, Paris: Edition Saint-Germain-des Pres 1988, 78 pages.
14. Von den Steinen Armenians, anthology of poems translated with a preface by Ram Kantian,
Berlin: Verlag Edition Orient, 1990, 96 pages. Illustrated by Stephan Djumbuchian.
15. Selected Poems of Zareh Khrakhouni, anthology of poems translated with a preface by
A. J. Hacikyan and Arsine Mamourian, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1990, 136 pages.
